Thu — 3/08/2023 — 21h30
Expanded Cinema: Os Verdes Anos

Written and read live by Bruno Humberto and Candela Varas

Cravo: Joana Bagulho

Realização: Paulo Rocha 

Argumento: Paulo Rocha, Nuno Bragança 

Fotografia: Luc Mirot Música: Carlos Paredes 

Com: Rui Gomes, Isabel Ruth, Ruy Furtado 


Ficção/PT/1963/91 min | M/12 V.O. Português/English Subtitles 



Considered one of the founding films of the Portuguese movement, Novo Cinema, it was the first feature film directed by Paulo Rocha. It is a film that evokes themes and problems that are still very relevant today, particularly with regard to the problem of housing and macho violence. A performance that opens with experimentation, putting the images of the film in dialogue with a new text, written and read live by Bruno Humberto and Candela Varas, with the music of Carlos Paredes, transcribed to the harpsichord by Joana Bagulho.


Festival Internacional de Cinema de Locarno (1964) – Prémio Vela de Prata, Melhor Primeira Obra