Fri — 21/07/2017

Premiere in Portugal

Comédia, drama – MX, 2015, 93 min – M/14 – V.O. em Espanhol – English Subtitles / Legendado em Português

Realização: Jack Zagha Kababie · Argumento: David Desola · Fotografia: Claudio Rocha · Com: Hoze Meléndez, José Carlos Ruiz



Almacenados (Stored) is a film that will make you laugh. It describes what happens to the two main characters during a week at work, a warehouse manager about to retire and the young man who is to take over. The original play by Spanish playwright David Desolá achieved worldwide recognition and was performed in theatres in Mexico. This film adaptation in 2015 by Jack Zagha Kababie is a bitter-sweet reflection on old age, generation challenges, and the always turbulent nature of work. With an austere proposal and a slow but steady pace, Almacenados is a funny and intelligent film. It perfectly confronts routine, captures the sharpest and most grotesque side of reality and thus turns around situations that may, at first, seem hopeless.


2016: Prémios Ariel: Nomeações melhor actor (Ruiz), coactor (Meléndez) e guião adaptado

2016: Festival de Gijón: Prémio do público